CIGS缩写的意思-Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Brazilian Army Special Forces)


  • 【英文缩写】: CIGS
  • 【英文全称】: Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Brazilian Army Special Forces)
  • 【中文解释】: Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Brazilian Army Special Forces)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: CIGS 相关英文缩写
以上为Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Brazilian Army Special Forces)英文缩略词CIGS的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CIGS Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Brazilian Army Special Forces) Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Brazilian Army Special Forces)
CIGS Copper Indium Gallium Di-Selenide (compound semiconductor) 铜铟镓二硒化物(化合物半导体)
CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff (WWII British) 帝国总参谋长(二战英国)
CIGS Close-In Gun System (Naval weapon, aka Mark110) 近距离射击系统(海军武器,又名Mark110)
CIGS Ceilings (general aviation weather) 天花板(通用航空天气)
CIGS Community Integrated Grant System 社区综合赠款系统
CIGS Chief of Imperial General Staff 帝国总参谋长
CIGS Copper Indium Gallium Selenide 硒化铜铟镓


  • CIGS Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Brazilian Army Special Forces)
  • ABCA 美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚军队的标准化程序
  • UEC UniÓ Excursionista de Catalunya (Mountaineering association in Catalonia)
  • RPG Rassemblement du Peuple de GuinÉe (French: Rally of the People of Guinea)
  • QAL Qualitätssicherung in der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft mbH (Germany)
  • PNET 背景:骨肿瘤周围neuroectodermal肿瘤-看见尤文氏涂
  • PLD Partido de la LiberaciÓn Dominicana (Dominican Republic opposition party)
  • OVNI Objecto Voador Não Identificado (Portuguese: Unidentified Flying Object)
  • MCD Mouvement Congolais pour la DÉmocratie (Congolese Movement for Democracy)
  • MPW 麦金塔程序员的车间(Mac OS软件开发环境)
  • LUE 生活的,宇宙和所有的(道格拉斯•亚当Hitchiker三部曲的书)
  • JLP Jodoin Lamarre Pratte (et associÉs architectes; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
  • LLN Laboratoire Louis NÉel (laboratory at Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble)
  • IPEN Instituto Peruano de EnergÍa Nuclear (Peruvian Nuclear Energy Institute)
  • IHE Institut fÜr Hochstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (Universitat Karlsruhe)